I have to share this. My husband is from Nova Scotia, and grew up eating all kinds of fish, including the nasty oily ones like herring, mackerel and sardines. Recently we had a conversation about what to order on our pizza, I said I like everything except anchovies.
He said, yeah, me too. to which I replied, “Seriously? I would have thought you’d love them based on your fondness for smelly fish.”
He answered, “Well, when I was in high school, everyone hated anchovies, so I figured I would to.”
Me: So you’ve never tried them?”
“No,” he said. I shook my head, silly man.
And so I bought him some and he LOVED them. Of course he did.
But me? Nope, no way. I’ll eat a dab of anchovy paste in my Cesar salad, that’s it. And FYI, I peel my peaches and kiwis and anything else remotely fuzzy, but that’s never been the problem with fish like anchovies. THEY STINK! lol
Great piece. I should send it to my man. lol